Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Fast Food Nation Post 2...!!...

In the next part of the novel Eric Schlosser is talking about what happens in the kitchens of the fast food resturants. He gives us the insite of how they make their foods before they are served for our enjoyment. He gave well thought up information about how fast food resturants treat their employees also. He stated that every fast food resturant is mostly ran by teens. He also clarified that the employees are mostly all teenagers. Every fast food company feels that teens are the best to hire because they will work for low pay. They also felt this way about immigrants,handicape and so on because they wouldnt complain about it they would just work. the most exclusive information that was given was when Schlosser spoke on how the excutives felt about training their employees. They wanted to make all the machinery simple so that they would not have to train them and show them how to work the equipment. For example one of the executives stated "if there are instructions, make them very simple write them at a fifth grade level and write them in Spanish and English." The executives had all agreed to "zero training." The executives of the fast food resturants feel no need to train us they think less of us and do not really care about us as their employees.
Do you feel differently about the executives of these fast food resturants now that you know how they are behind closed doors?
What makes all these executives think that all people that need the money will just automatically work for low pay? Why would they do their employees like that? Do you see the ignorance in this?Does this highly offend you?


  1. Yes I do. I think what they are doing isn't necessarily right but it’s not like the people that work for them really do any work. Everything is basically done by machines.

    I think people choose to work like this because it's easy pay for an easy job. That's probably how the workers just look at it. Then if you think about it they didn't have to work there if they had received a good enough education to do something better with their lives. Also, most teens who do work there are just temporary and just do it to get a little extra cash in their pockets.

  2. I believe , in all honesty , these restaurants are very ignornant for admitting that they believe we will settle for less pay just because we are younger. We deserve just as much money as anyne else would be given.

  3. I do not you feel differently about the executives of these fast food restaurants. I do feel that they are taking advantage of the handicapped and young people giving them lower than minimal wages for, their work, time, and efforts are just as valuable as that of anybody else and they should be rewarded so equally.
    But making the system easier than the fifth grade level is a good business approach, making it easy enough for anyone to do the job.

    I think that they feel this way because, the way they have their system set up that if someone doesn’t like it they wont get the job and some one else who is willing to work for little to no pay will take the job, so they settle with little pay instead of no job and no pay. they do their employees like this because they don’t want to spend the money to pay them what they are really worth this way they get to get more money for themselves.
