Friday, April 10, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

NY 'Times Article'

Washington Monument
That's one tall woman.
By Sam Anderson

In the article Anderson speaks on the height of first lady Michelle Obama. He states how her height has been debated for months. But, with that Anderson states how Mrs. Obama carries herself in a positive an well rounded manner. Michelle may be tall but she is able to still work what she wear with her height intacked. Anderson compares Mrs. Obama to previous first ladies like Eleanor Roosevelt. He states how she stood about 7foot with her boots on.But, he really displays information when he states how in ancient Egyptian statuary height was coordinated precisely with social status. This was proven correct with how positive Michelle is not because she is our first lady but because she is a positive woman in general.

Application: if Michelle was not as talk as she is do you think that people would talk about her as much without them knowing how positive she is or about her being an African-American?

Clarification: Soo is her height really important to what we think of her? Why do we realy focus on that?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fast Food Nation Post 3

In concluding the novel "Fast Food Nation" Schlosser reveals a lot of valid information on meat. he reveals the making of our meat and what is in it. He also speaks on a deadly disease called "Escherichia coli O157:H7",a virulent and potentially lethal foodborne pathogen. Schlosser also gives insight on how a normal person found out that they had this horrible disease. A victim of the E. coli O157:H7 virus was a man named Lee Harding. But through Mr. Harding that they found out that this food posioning is found more so in ground beef and rarely found in chicken. And ground beef is continuosly used in the fast food industry as we know. Schlosser then warns us that the people that really can suffer from this disease is the elderly, children under the age of five, and the people with weak immune systems are the most likely to suffer from any illnesses caused by E. coli O157:H7. An example he gives is a young boy age 11 becoming ill with this virus after eatting a hamburger from his school. They then trace it back to the company and comfirm that this company's meat was infected with the disease. Schlosser hits a lot of these different asspects on the head and he willingly give the information without regret. He then states americans ways have rubbed off onto other countries who have just adopted our ways. This disease has really infected around 200,00 people and hospitalized around 900 this was very tragic. We as a nation need to find a way to put a stop to this.

{clarification:} From reading this chunk did it make you kind of want to be caution with your meat now? Did you feel any type of emotions toward this chunk??

{application:} Have you ever incounter a virus similar to this one but just not as severe?